Internet Surfer 2.0
Internet Surfer 2.0 (Wayzata Technology) (1996).iso
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS);faqs.163
????+00..03 = "BODY", identifies the start of the audio data.
BODY+00..03 (ULONG) = number of bytes to follow.
BODY+04..NNNNN = Data, signed bytes, from -128 to +127.
0030: 04030201 02030303 04050605 05060605
0040: 06080806 07060505 04020202 01FF0000
0060: FDFDFF00 00FFFFFF 00000000 00FFFF00
0070: 00000000 00FF0000 00FFFEFF 00000000
0080: 00010000 000101FF FF0000FE FEFFFFFE
This small section of the audio sample shows the number ranging from -5 (0xFD)
to +8 (0x08). Warning: Do not assume that the BODY starts 48 bytes into the
file. In addition to "VHDR", chunks labeled "NAME", "AUTH", "ANNO", or
"(c) " may be present, and may be in any order. You will have to check the
byte count in each chunk to determine how many bytes to skip.
Playing sound on a PC
From: Eric A Rasmussen
Any turbo PC (8088 at 8 Mhz or greater)/286/386/486/etc. can produce a quality
playback of single channel 8 bit sounds on the internal (1 bit, 1 channel)
speaker by utilizing Pulse-Width-Modulation, which toggles the speaker faster
than it can physically move to simulate positions between fully on and fully
off. There are several PD programs of this nature that I know of:
REMAC - Plays MAC format sound files. Files on the Macintosh, at least the
sound files that I've ripped apart, seem to contain 3 parts. The
first two are info like what the file icon looks like and other
header type info. The third part contains the raw sample data, and
it is this portion of the file which is saved to a seperate file,
often named with the .snd extension by PC users. Personally, I like
to name the files .s1, .s2, .s3, or .s4 to indicate the sampling rate
of the file. (-s# is how to specify the playback rate in REMAC.)
REMAC provides playback rates of 5550hz, 7333hz, 11 khz, & 22 khz.
REMAC2 - Same as REMAC, but sounds better on higher speed machines.
REPLAY - Basically same as REMAC, but for playback of Atari ST sounds.
Apparently, the Atari has two sound formats, one of which sounds like
garbage if played by REMAC or REPLAY in the incorrect mode. The
other file format works fine with REMAC and so appears to be 'normal'
unsigned 8-bit data. REPLAY provides playback rates of 11.5 khz,
12.5 khz, 14 khz, 16 khz, 18.5 khz, 22khz, & 27 khz.
These three programs are all by the same author, Richard E. Zobell who does
not have an internet mail address to my knowledge, but does have a GEnie email
address of R.ZOBELL.
Additionally, there are various stand-alone demos which use the internal
speaker, of which there is one called mushroom which plays a 30 second
advertising jingle for magic mushroom room deoderizers which is pretty
humerous. I've used this player to playback samples that I ripped out of the
commercial game program Mean Streets, which uses something they call RealSound
(tm) to playback digital samples on the internal speaker. (Of course, I only do
this on my own system, and since I own the game, I see no problems with it.)
For owners of 8 Mhz 286's and above, the option to play 4 channel 8 bit sounds
(with decent quality) on the internal speaker is also a reality. Quite a
number of PD programs exist to do this, including, but not limited to:
ModEdit, ModPlay, ScreamTracker, STM, Star Trekker, Tetra, and probably a few
All these programs basically make use of various sound formats used by the
Amiga line of computers. These include .stm files, .mod files
[a.k.a. mod. files], and .nst files [really the same hing]. Also,
these programs pretty much all have the option to playback the
sound to add-on hardware such as the SoundBlaster card, the Covox series of
devices, and also to direct the data to either one or two (for stereo)
parallel ports, which you could attach your own D/A's to. (From what I have
seen, the Covox is basically an small amplified speaker with a D/A which plugs
into the parallel port. This sounds very similiar to the Disney Sound System
(DSS) which people have been talking about recently.)
The EA-IFF-85 documentation
From: dgc3@midway.uchicago.edu
As promised, here's an ftp location for the EA-IFF-85 documentation. It's
the November 1988 release as revised by Commodore (the last public release),
with specifications for IFF FORMs for graphics, sound, formatted text, and
more. IFF FORMS now exist for other media, including structured drawing, and
new documentation is now available only from Commodore.
The documentation is at grind.isca.uiowa.edu [], in the
directory /amiga/f1/ff185. The complete file list is as follows:
All files except DOCUMENTS.zoo are Amiga-specific, but may be used as a basis
for conversion to other platforms. Well, I take that tentatively back. I
don't know what TP_IFF_Specs.zoo contains, so it might be non-Amiga-specific.
US Federal Standard 1016 availability
From: Joe Campbell N3JBC jpcampb@afterlife.ncsc.mil 74040.305@compuserve.com
The U.S. DoD's Federal-Standard-1016 4800 bps code excited linear prediction
voice coder version 3.2 (CELP 3.2) Fortran and C simulation source codes are
now available for worldwide distribution at no charge (on DOS diskettes,
but configured to compile on Sun SPARC stations) from:
Bob Fenichel
National Communications System
Washington, D.C. 20305
1-703-746-4960 (fax)
In addition to the source codes, example input and processed speech files
are included along with a technical information bulletin to assist in
implementation of FS-1016 CELP. (An anonymous ftp site is being considered
for future releases.)
Copies of the FS-1016 document are available for $2.50 each from:
GSA Rm 6654
7th & D St SW
Washington, D.C. 20407
The following articles describe the Federal-Standard-1016 4.8-kbps CELP
coder (it's unnecessary to read more than one):
Campbell, Joseph P. Jr., Thomas E. Tremain and Vanoy C. Welch,
"The Federal Standard 1016 4800 bps CELP Voice Coder," Digital Signal
Processing, Academic Press, 1991, Vol. 1, No. 3, p. 145-155.
Campbell, Joseph P. Jr., Thomas E. Tremain and Vanoy C. Welch,
"The DoD 4.8 kbps Standard (Proposed Federal Standard 1016),"
in Advances in Speech Coding, ed. Atal, Cuperman and Gersho,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1991, Chapter 12, p. 121-133.
Campbell, Joseph P. Jr., Thomas E. Tremain and Vanoy C. Welch, "The
Proposed Federal Standard 1016 4800 bps Voice Coder: CELP," Speech
Technology Magazine, April/May 1990, p. 58-64.
For U.S. FED-STD-1016 (4800 bps CELP) _realtime_ DSP code
and information about products using this code, contact:
John DellaMorte
DSP Software Engineering
165 Middlesex Tpk, Suite 206
Bedford, MA 01730
1-617-275-4323 (fax)
DSP Software Engineering's code can run on a DSP Research's Tiger 30 board
(a PC board with a TMS320C3x and analog interface suited to development work)
or on Intellibit's AE2000 TMS320C31 based 3" by 2.5" card.
DSP Research Intellibit
1095 E. Duane Ave. P.O. Box 9785
Sunnyvale, CA 94086 McLean, VA 22102-0785
(408)773-1042 (703)442-4781
(408)736-3451 (fax) (703)442-4784 (fax)
From: tobiasr@monolith.lrmsc.loral.com (Richard Tobias )
For U.S. FED-STD-1016 (4800 bps CELP) _realtime_ DSP code and
information about products using this code using the AT&T DSP32C and
AT&T DSP3210, contact:
White Eagle Systems Technology, Inc.
1123 Queensbridge Way
San Jose, CA 95120
(408) 997-2706
(408) 997-3584 (fax)
Creative Voice (VOC) file format
From: galt@dsd.es.com
(byte numbers are hex!)
HEADER (bytes 00-19)
Series of DATA BLOCKS (bytes 1A+) [Must end w/ Terminator Block]
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
byte # Description
------ ------------------------------------------
00-12 "Creative Voice File"
13 1A (eof to abort printing of file)
14-15 Offset of first datablock in .voc file (std 1A 00
in Intel Notation)
16-17 Version number (minor,major) (VOC-HDR puts 0A 01)
18-19 2's Comp of Ver. # + 1234h (VOC-HDR puts 29 11)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
Data Block: TYPE(1-byte), SIZE(3-bytes), INFO(0+ bytes)
NOTE: Terminator Block is an exception -- it has only the TYPE byte.
TYPE Description Size (3-byte int) Info
---- ----------- ----------------- -----------------------
00 Terminator (NONE) (NONE)
01 Sound data 2+length of data *
02 Sound continue length of data Voice Data
03 Silence 3 **
04 Marker 2 Marker# (2 bytes)
05 ASCII length of string null terminated string
06 Repeat 2 Count# (2 bytes)
07 End repeat 0 (NONE)
*Sound Info Format: **Silence Info Format:
--------------------- ----------------------------
00 Sample Rate 00-01 Length of silence - 1
01 Compression Type 02 Sample Rate
02+ Voice Data
Marker# -- Driver keeps the most recent marker in a status byte
Count# -- Number of repetitions + 1
Count# may be 1 to FFFE for 0 - FFFD repetitions
or FFFF for endless repetitions
Sample Rate -- SR byte = 256-(1000000/sample_rate)
Length of silence -- in units of sampling cycle
Compression Type -- of voice data
8-bits = 0
4-bits = 1
2.6-bits = 2
2-bits = 3
Multi DAC = 3+(# of channels) [interesting--
this isn't in the developer's manual]
RIFF WAVE (.WAV) file format
RIFF is a format by Microsoft and IBM which is similar in spirit and
functionality as EA-IFF-85, but not compatible (and it's in
little-endian byte order, of course :-). WAVE is RIFF's equivalent of
AIFF, and its inclusion in Microsoft Windows 3.1 has suddenly made it
important to know about.
Rob Ryan was kind enough to send me a description of the RIFF format.
Unfortunately, it is too big to include here (27 k), but I've made it
available for anonymous ftp as ftp.cwi.nl:/pub/RIFF-format.
And here's a pointer to the official description from Matt Saettler,
Microsoft Multimedia:
"The complete definition of the WAVE file format as defined by
IBM/Microsoft is available for anon. FTP from ftp.uu.net in the
vendor/microsoft/multimedia directory."
(Rob Ryan's version may actually be an extract from one of the files
stored there.)
U-LAW and A-LAW definitions
[Adapted from information provided by duggan@cc.gatech.edu (Rick
Duggan) and davep@zenobia.phys.unsw.EDU.AU (David Perry)]
u-LAW (really mu-LAW) is
sgn(m) ( |m |) |m |
y= ------- ln( 1+ u|--|) |--| =< 1
ln(1+u) ( |mp|) |mp|
A-LAW is
| A (m ) |m | 1
| ------- (--) |--| =< -
| 1+ln A (mp) |mp| A
| sgn(m) ( |m |) 1 |m |
| ------ ( 1+ ln A|--|) - =< |--| =< 1
| 1+ln A ( |mp|) A |mp|
Values of u=100 and 255, A=87.6, mp is the Peak message value, m is
the current quantised message value. (The formulae get simpler if you
substitute x for m/mp and sgn(x) for sgn(m); then -1 <= x <= 1.)
Converting from u-LAW to A-LAW is in a sense "lossy" since there are
quantizing errors introduced in the conversion.
"..the u-LAW used in North America and Japan, and the
A-LAW used in Europe and the rest of the world and
international routes.."
Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems, B.P.Lathi., 2nd ed.
ISBN 0-03-027933-X
Transmission Systems for Communications
Fifth Edition
by Members of the Technical Staff at Bell Telephone Laboratories
Bell Telephone Laboratories, Incorporated
Copyright 1959, 1964, 1970, 1982
AVR File Format
From: hyc@hanauma.Jpl.Nasa.Gov (Howard Chu)
A lot of PD software exists to play Mac .snd files on the ST. One other
format that seems pretty popular (used by a number of commercial packages)
is the AVR format (from Audio Visual Research). This format has a 128 byte
header that looks like this:
char magic[4]="2BIT";
char name[8]; /* null-padded sample name */
short mono; /* 0 = mono, 0xffff = stereo */
short rez; /* 8 = 8 bit, 16 = 16 bit */
short sign; /* 0 = unsigned, 0xffff = signed */
short loop; /* 0 = no loop, 0xffff = looping sample */
short midi; /* 0xffff = no MIDI note assigned,
0xffXX = single key note assignment
0xLLHH = key split, low/hi note */
long rate; /* sample frequency in hertz */
long size; /* sample length in bytes or words (see rez) */
long lbeg; /* offset to start of loop in bytes or words.
set to zero if unused. */
long lend; /* offset to end of loop in bytes or words.
set to sample length if unused. */
short res1; /* Reserved, MIDI keyboard split */
short res2; /* Reserved, sample compression */
short res3; /* Reserved */
char ext[20]; /* Additional filename space, used
if (name[7] != 0) */
char user[64]; /* User defined. Typically ASCII message. */
Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu comp.unix.aux:10162 news.answers:4738
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From: jim@jagubox.gsfc.nasa.gov (Jim Jagielski)
Subject: Apple A/UX FAQ List (1/2)
Message-ID: <1335@jagubox.gsfc.nasa.gov>
Followup-To: comp.unix.aux
Summary: Latest posting of FAQ for A/UX
Keywords: FAQ A/UX
Lines: 1030
Sender: usenet@nsisrv.gsfc.nasa.gov (Usenet)
Supersedes: <1310@jagubox.gsfc.nasa.gov>
Nntp-Posting-Host: jagubox.gsfc.nasa.gov
Reply-To: jim@jagubox.gsfc.nasa.gov (Jim Jagielski)
Organization: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 1992 16:30:50 GMT
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
Expires: Wed, 6 Jan 1993 00:00:00 GMT
Archive-name: aux-faq/part1
Last-modified: Mon Dec 21 11:29:16 EST 1992
Due to the holidays, I'm posting the A/UX FAQ a few days early... Here's
hoping that everyone has a happy and safe holiday!
This is the Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) list for A/UX 3.0
This FAQ list is intended to cut down on the number of "often asked questions"
that make the rounds here on comp.unix.aux. Also included you'll find a few
words of wisdom as well as some general information for the A/UX community.
This list assumes that you are familiar with Unix (to some extent) but
are curious about A/UX's eccentricities. The list will concentrate on A/UX
3.0 but may also have info about previous versions. If you don't understand
something in the FAQ List, and a "Point of Contact" isn't specified, then
contact me and I'll attempt to help or else point you to someone who can.
In any case, let me know how I can make the list more clear.
The list will be posted biweekly (every 2 weeks) on comp.unix.aux as well as
news.answers. It is also available via anonymous ftp on jagubox.gsfc.nasa.gov.
There is a frozen FAQ that deals with A/UX 2.0.1 which is available via anon-
ftp on jagubox (FAQ.aux.201). This FAQ will be posted monthly (or so) on
This FAQ is "copyrighted" in the same sense that all other FAQs are copy-
righted: the FAQ may be freely redistributed as long as the author's/editor's
name and this notice is included.
Send your additions|modifications to Jim Jagielski (jim@jagubox.gsfc.nasa.gov).
(editor's notes are included as <<ED: ...>>)
|Significant changes/additions since last posting:
| Changes signified by "|" in 1st column;
| Additions by "+" in the 1st column;
| Deletions by "-" in the 1st column (the line will be
| deleted in the next posting))
| o Broken: new 'tc' up to 3.12
+ o Ports: Overseas site for X11R5 added
| o Q&A #5: new 'tc' up to 3.12
| o Q&A #8: Added note about overseas site for X11R5
+ o Q&A #56: CommandShell only responds after 2 keyclicks
o List of Contributors to A/UX FAQ List
o List of anon-ftp archives for A/UX
o List of what's broken under A/UX 3.0
o List of ported software
o Partial list of compatible shareware|freeware known to work under 3.0
o Hints and Words of Wisdom
o Q&A-
0) What's A/UX? Is it any good?
1) What's the minimum system I need (CPU, disk and RAM) to run A/UX?
2) What's new about A/UX 3.0?
3) What's the upgrade path for A/UX 3.0
4) What Mac applications are compatible with A/UX?
| 5) Can I use my Teac|DC2000|DC6000|DAT|etc tape drive under A/UX?
6) How come rn|elm|less|etc... acts weird concerning signals? Mainly, their
support of job-control is less than perfect.
7) What screen-savers are compatible with A/UX?
| 8) Is X11R5 available for A/UX?
9) I've noticed that FSF GNU doesn't support A/UX. Does that mean I'll
miss out on all the neat Gnu-stuff like gcc?
10) I have an EtherNet card that works fine under the Macintosh operating
system but not under A/UX. Why?
11) Can I use my scanner under A/UX?
12) How come my Login screen is gray, not color?
13) Even though I have lot's of swap space and only a little bit is
being used, I STILL get a lot of messages saying that my swap
space is running low. What the buzz?
14) How can I copy a complete file system from one disk|partition to
15) What's with UUCP?
16) How can I log anonymous ftp entries? in.ftpd has a -l option,
but it doesn't work.
17) I'm trying to use a SyQuest drive under A/UX but it refuses to work.
I keep on getting a "more data than device expected" error message.
What's wrong?
18) I'm unable to start a getty process on a built-in serial port. When
I use 'setport' to enable the port, I get a "no such device" error.
Configuring /etc/inittab to respawn getty on the port has no effect.
19) I am using and depending on /etc/hosts to do all my hostname resolving
(i.e. not using named or /etc/resolv.conf). How come I can't mail
to other hosts, but I can ping|ftp|etc... them?
20) My MacOS partition mounts fine under MacOS but it doesn't show up
under A/UX... Why?
21) I've ported Elm (or other mail reader) and it doesn't seem to work.
22) What 3-button mice work under A/UX (and X)?
23) How come when I do a 'df' as a regular user, it shows me a different
number of free blocks compared to when I run it as 'root'?
24) Does A/UX LocalTalk support IP?
25) How do I get MPW 3.1 to work? It hangs my system...
26) Can I refer to a file on my Mac system from within A/UX?
27) How can I adjust the amount of virtual memory available Finder uses?
28) Is it worth getting a cache card for the IIci?
29) How do I keep command lines that I edit with "backspace" from erasing
the prompt?
30) When I try to mail something, I get the following error message:
"Cannot read frozen config file: not a typewriter". What's wrong?
31a) I have MacsBug installed. How can I trigger it?
31b) Sometimes my MultiFinder environment (and/or CommandShell) freezes
up; how can I unfreeze it? Should I hit the Interrupt switch?
32) Is there an archive of comp.unix.aux out there somewhere?
33) My site is not upgraded to EtherTalk Phase 2 yet... can I use Phase 1
under A/UX?
34) What languages are available for A/UX?
35) How can I figure out the /etc/disktab entry for my hard disk?
36) How come I can't use color under X?
37) What are Right-To-Copy and Right-To-Upgrade licenses?
38) How do I set up my Mac and A/UX to enable remote logins via a modem
on tty0?
39) How come I can't used 'talk' with some of the other Unix boxes out
there, and they can't talk to me?
40) I'm having trouble transfering files between A/UX and my MacOS disk...
Also, sometimes things get transfered fine, othertimes not. What's
going on?
41) Using the command shell interface, I'm trying to access some Mac files
(that have strange names) but I can't; the program returns an error and
I can't access the file. What's going on?
42) How can I reports bugs that I find?
43) Which serial cards work under A/UX?
44) I heard the the Installer for 3.0 works on "any" 3rd party hard disk.
Well, it doesn't on mine!
45) I'm using a LaserWriter IIg with A/UX and whenever I print some-
thing to it through 'lpr', the first line of the page is cut off. Why?
46) Whenever I try to run xinit (or startx) from the CommandShell I get
a fatal server error. Why?
47) I'm trying to access my tape drive using 'tc' (with something like
"find . -print | cpio -o > /dev/rmt/tc1") but it doesn't work...
48) What CD-ROM drives are compatible with A/UX 3.0?
49) Do I install CDEVs and Extensions in the System Folder on MacPartition
or on the "/" A/UX disk.
50) I heard that A/UX requires a special version of System 7 to boot...
Is this true?
51) I've tried to install the CD Remote extension to A/UX so that
I can play audio CD's, but it doesn't work...
52) What CD-ROM formats does A/UX support?
53) How can I add printers other than those available via the Chooser?
54) After the Mac environment crashes (or when I use MacsBug), the
Desktop gets all screwed up... Argg!!
55) My MacOS partition(s) only show up on the Desktop when I login
as root. Why?
+ 56) For some reason, my CommandShell only responds to a keyboard
+ event after it receives a second event. For example, typing "a"
+ won't show until I type something else or click the mouse.
+ What gives?
**** List of Contributors to A/UX FAQ List ****
The editor would like to thank all the various people who have contributed to
the A/UX FAQ List (both those that submitted questions as well as those who
submitted answers). Also included under the Q&A section are the relevant people
to contact if you have specific questions about specific A/UX items. If I've
left you out, PLEASE E-mail me!
Brian Bechtel (blob@apple.com)
Nick Beser (beser@aplcomm.jhuapl.edu)
Manuel Bouyssou (manuel@apple.com)
Vicki Brown (vlb@apple.com)
John Coolidge (coolidge@apple.com)
Tony Cooper (tony@marc.cri.nz)
Bob Denny (denny@alisa.com)
Eric Dittman (dittman@skitzo.dseg.ti.com)
John Dundas III (dundas@salt.jpl.nasa.gov)
Thomas Eberhardt (thomas@mathematik.uni-Bremen.de)
Ron Flax (ron@afsg.apple.com)
Marcelo Gallardo (marcelo@deadzone.princeton.edu)
Ben Goren (ben@tux.fa.asu.edu)
James Gritton (gritton@byu.edu)
Jim Jagielski (jim@jagubox.gsfc.nasa.gov)
Chris Johnson (cjohnson@brl.mil)
Bill Johnston (johnston@me.udel.edu)
Ron Johnston (johnston@apple.com)
Bob Kirby (kirby@moe.esl.com)
Nicolas Lenz (nlenz@sdcc13.UCSD.EDU)
Luke Mewburn (s902113@minyos.xx.rmit.OZ.AU)
Darrell Pfeifer (spycal!denigma!darrell@cpsc.ucalgary.ca)
William Roberts (he's moving....)
Alexis Rosen (alexis@panix.com)
Craig Ruff (cruff@ncar.ucar.edu)
Jim Ryan (jryan@adobe.com)
Paul Sander (paul@sander.uucp)
Kent Sandvik (ksand@apple.com)
Craig Struble (cstruble@gnu.ai.mit.edu)
Chuq Von Rospach (chuq@apple.com)
Jon W{tte (d88-jwa@nada.kth.se)
Earl Wallace (earlw@macaux.aux.apple.com)
**** List of anonymous ftp archives for A/UX ****
The following sites have A/UX related archives and materials available via
anonymous ftp (see below for more information):
afsg.apple.com (
ports and hacks for A/UX
aux.nada.kth.se (
mirror of A/UX items from:
aux.support.apple.com (
comp.unix.aux archives;
A/UX patches and some ports;
jagubox.gsfc.nasa.gov (
FAQ List;
bunch of ports, utilities, new mini-inews (1.6);
rascal.ics.utexas.edu (
misc. ports;
Mac applications, CDEVs, etc...;
redstar.dcs.qmw.ac.uk (
IIci benchmarking results;
wuarchive.wustl.edu (
ports, GNU stuff; (look in systems/aux)
**** List of what's broken under A/UX 3.0: ****
BNU/HDB UUCP (the whole thing):
Severe problems as distributed, such as inability to dialout
with correctly configured modem, etc...
*** 3.0 patch is now available ***
*** on aux.support.apple.com in supported/3.0 ***
*** This "patch" is a newer version of HDB (to 1.16) ***
*** and adds some Mega-enhancements as well. ***
*** Thanks to Earl Wallace!!! ***
#### If you snagged version 1.14 from aux.support.apple.com ####
#### then be _sure_ to update to version 1.16. ####
Doesn't seem to like filename completion.
Leaves ports open and hanging occasionally. Can cause kernel crashes.
*** 3.0 patch is now available ***
*** on wuarchive.wustl.edu under systems/aux ***
#### Please note that it appears that this new version has ####
#### some slight bugs in correctly handling Synchs and ####
#### options negotiation. I have only seen this using ####
#### VersaTerm Pro 3.6.2 and connecting to myself via telnet ####
serial drivers:
After some use on all Macs (except IIfx and maybe the Quadras)
the kernel will crash.
*** This has been confirmed by Apple but no fix exists yet!! ***
tc (tape driver device driver):
Reports incorrect file number when 'mt' is used to skip
files (fsf and/or bsf).
Doesn't allow for additional storage capability of extended
length tapes or hardware compression tape drives.
*** 'mt2' written and available on jagubox.gsfc.nasa.gov ***
*** to correct for 'tc's file number confusion ***
*** (although it's not needed due to....) ***
*** ***
*** A replacement version of 'tc' has been written ***
*** that fixes these bugs as well as providing support ***
*** for additional drives and capability ***
*** ***
*** 3.0 replacement is now available ***
| *** on jagubox.gsfc.nasa.gov in pub/NEWtc312.tar.Z ***